Photographer : Dominika Kudła

Officially bonded with metal at the age of 12, when received an old Korn hoodie from her big brother. ‘Though, you cannot wear a band's merch without knowing their discography. To do so, you’re obliged to listen to the whole album at a time, one by one’, he said. As an obedient kiddo, she listened to her brother’s wisdom and that’s how her journey started.

As time was passing by, teenage Dominika was discovering wonders of thrash and black metal on her own. Eventually realising that death metal was the one resonating with her soul the best of them all. She then applied two rules to her music life: the more technical the better and the longer song the better. Especially if they leave enough room for psychedelic and disturbing touches.

Even though she claims her natural concert habitat is narrowed down to behind the camera, give her one song she loves and you’ll find her all over the place, headbanging like there’s no tomorrow.

Spotify playlist