
Pano_Europe_Academy__Manchester_September_15th_2018_©Johann Wierzbicki |ROCKFLESH-1.jpg

It is a long story of love that spans over 30 years. It is my story. A passionate story about live music, Hard Rock and Heavy Metal music.

My neighbour, friend and brother from another mother Lionel Bosch spent his teenage years converting me to Metal by ridiculing my admiration for A-ha.

We spent countless weekends in his bedroom playing his big brothers music collections. He would religiously brush those black vinyls before gently releasing the needle. I have never stopped being amazed by the power of electricity going through a guitar to make such a melodic racket. And yet, his parents never complained about the noise.

His brothers, Philippe and Jean-Claude, 5 and 10 years older were turned on much earlier by; Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Deep Purple, The Scorpions, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, to mention but a few. You name it, they had it.

Months later, we made it our mission every Saturday to unearth new bands, searching any new releases in our local record shop on the Avenue St Saens, Béziers France. Like many other rockers, my first records were ’Out Of This World’, ‘Odyssey’ and ‘Hysteria’. Since then I have been a metalhead/rocker and my life was changed forever.

Growing up in a French town, I learnt most of my English by translating lyrics but it only made sense when I moved to England in 1991.

These days, times have changed, my hair is greyer, my boys are adults, our idols slowly retire, the way we purchase music has also changed forever with the use of the Internet but one thing has remained constant, my unwavering passion for this live music. Something powerful and magical happens when bands and fans connect. 

ROCKFLESH started as a small local rock photographer website which is consistently growing as we aim to report on the UK North-West Rock and Metal scene with the contributions from passionate local writers and photographers. This website is about giving back to a music genre that gave so much to us.

Join us in our efforts by following ROCKFLESH on Facebook, Instagram, by supporting the local scene with its small venues, promoters, bands so that our music never dies.

Johann Wierzbicki