93. Counterparts - "A Eulogy for Those Still Here"

93.  Counterparts - A Eulogy for Those Still Here

 I am sure bands don’t actively seek to be referred to as that most derided of subgenres, “metalcore”. But Counterparts have seemingly been anointed as the torchbearers of the metalcore revival. In many ways that trivializes what they are actually doing as “A Eulogy for Those Still Here” is a stunning amalgamation of searing emotion and crushing aggression. It is full of tight, taut melodies that are designed to be screamed along to be baying thousands but it is grounded by coarse, corrosive anger. The belligerence spills out and gives the album a feel of rampant hostility that effectively tempers any of its overtly commercial moments. A skilful mix of accessibility and antagonism that is rather bewitching.