73. Wolfheart - "King of the North"

73. Wolfheart - King of the North

Whilst only an ongoing eternity for nine years, it does feel that Wolfheart has been around for a lot longer than that. Their previous five albums have all been in and around my end-of-the-year lists and “Flames of Perdition” by Tumas’ other band Dawn of Solace scored highly last year. “King of the North” manages to be a little more than your standard Viking-obsessed Melodeath. It’s big, Widescreen and really rather epic, but there also seems to be a lot of effort made in terms of the actual song writing.  Usually, in this game, it’s a case of a couple of jaunty choruses, some whooa-whooas and their job is a good ‘un. Here it feels actual thought has gone into each and every one of the tracks and it sounds all the better for it.