79. Loathe - 'I Let It in and It Took Everything'

Loathe - I Let It in and It Took Everything album cover 2020

A sprawling experimental album that seems intent on pushing every envelope that it can get its hands on. Whilst it flirts with Metal (amongst other styles) this is distinctly not Metal. It feels like it was forged in some bizarre hybrid dimension where all musical genres exist simultaneously. There are whiffs of post-rock, shoegaze, indie and huge dollops of Deftones.

There is a cavalier cut and paste attitude at play here. Liberally lifting influences from all over the shop. You would think with all the constant shifts in pace and ninety-degree changes in style that the record would have ended up feeling dis-jointed and patchwork. But it doesn’t, instead what they have created is a mutated creative whole; fascinating, intriguing and ultimately rather satisfying.