65. Blue Pills - 'Holy Moly!'

Blue Pills - Holy Moly!

More retro rock but this time from Sweden. The previous two Blue Pills albums have been authentic slices of seventies Blues Rock. However, this time around they have gone back further. This is fantastic facsimilia of sixties power-pop. Think The Mamas & The Papas and Janis Joplin. It oozes Californian sass and sunshine. It is an upbeat and frequently joyous album. Elin Larsson’s soulful delivery is front and centre. The joy of being a Blues Pills fan (as I am) has been watching her stature and confidence grow over the last seven odd years. She has gone from shy and introverted to being this formidable force that just burns out of the speakers. If you like your blues light, frothy and riding on a sunbeam then this is the album for you.