30. Tomorrow's Rain - 'Hollow'

Tomorrow's Rain - Hollow.jpg

Highly emotive, mournful Doom from Israel. This is a sorrowful and solemn album full of pain and regret. It feels like a cathartic bloodletting for solo band member Yishai Sweartz, as he uses the eight tracks to retell the anguish, disappointments and hardships of is life so far. This is Doom as an emotional sponge, soaking up all the adversity that has been directed at Yishai and then channelling it back at the listener.

However, this is not an angry album, it is at times maudlin and morose, but it also feels reflective and ultimately, incredibly self-aware. Yishai is not screaming at a void blaming other for his misfortunes. He is recounting them as a therapeutic and liberating process. This is dark and unsettling record, but as a listener you feel that you have played an important part in Yishai’s healing process.