02. Creeper - 'Sex, Death & The Infinite Void'

Creeper - Sex, Death & The Infinite Void.jpg

This is what a Jim Steinman produced Scott Walker album would have sounded like. “Sex, Death & the Infinite Void” is quite simply rock opera repurposed for the 21st century. Creeper have created the greatest teen lust melodrama ever made, offering a John Walters inspired narrative and the varied evocative soundtrack to go with it. A fully formed emotional rollercoaster of melodrama. 

Musically we are talking the Cramps meet Fall out Boy at a Nick Cave gig. It is all big production values but small-town stories. If the Ramones had formed in 2020, they would have made this record. As they did in 1976, it filters everything that had come before and distils that into a single simple sonic vision. Rock and roll for the disenfranchised Spotify generation. 

Creeper have mined from the past in order to look to the future. “Sex, Death & the Infinite Void” is epic in style, sound and status. It is confident but also crucially self-aware and cripplingly honest. Every track is a fully formed micro-universe with its own invocative taste, feel and texture. But together it becomes the greatest tale never told. Love, lust, leather and loss; gangs, girls and inappropriate relationships. An extraordinary album that feels simultaneously timeless and thoroughly modern. a cyber-gothabilly masterpiece.