94. Sick Of It all – “Wake the Sleeping Dragon"

I am not a pop punk kid and I probably would take great offence if you deemed to refer to me as one. The whole bandwagon of shouty tattooed college fund American kids being annoyed at their lot in life, well, sort of passed me by. To be honest, I couldn't tell a Less Than Jake from a Rise Against. However, in my weekly trawl through weekly releases I really really enjoyed this album. It's short sharp no flab approach to songwriting appealed to my love of the Ramones and their anger at, well anger at everything has a real passion and authenticity to it. Most modern American punk feels sanitised and safe, designed to sell the sensation of rebellion whilst being less radical than a CBGB's full of Jacob Reese Moggs. “Wake the Sleeping Dragon” felt real and for that it earns a breadth in the hundred, just don't call me a pop punk kid!